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  • Writer's pictureSandra Murphy

The Golden City of Jaisalmer, India

We flew to the NE of India to visit Jaisalmer, home of the Golden City and a living fort where 3,000 residents live up on a hill in beautifully carved buildings dating back centuries. We also visited the lake, created to provide water to this dry desert region. Indra Ghandi was key to bringing Jaisalmer to light in the early 1970s. Our favorite spot might have been 1156 AD, a luncheon restaurant that overlooks the royal palace which is not that amazing, but the restaurant is. We visited twice to get the Paneer Tikka Masala, a favorite for S, and also loved the Peanut Masala, a new find for us, which is basically a peanut salsa.

There was a jeweler in the old town who had a long and prosperous (and surprise) visit with Mike Jagger. Pictures on the wall memorialized his visit. The shop was in the basement of his family home. The walls were carved to resemble the fort exterior. The shop is #1 on google for Jaisalmer jewelers. This was a fun stop for 'the ladies'. K took a nap.

We were able to ride camels here in the sand dunes of the desert. S loved it. The sun set as we gently meandered the dunes. My camel was lead by a small, handsome little boy. He was barefoot and had a cough that was concerning, but he was quite proud to be the guide. The other guide said he was 12. He was literally half of S's size/height and O would have pegged him for a small 9 max.

Jaisalmer is a destination for Indian weddings, the 5 day affairs we are overhearing from time to time but cant seem to get an invite too. The family home of the wedding couple gets a painted mural by the front entrance memorializing the nuptials. It is bright, cheery and sizeable. Ideally you only have one wedding per decade so the sign has time to wear off! We also enjoyed another tuktuk ride. You haven't lived until you've tuktuk or rickshawed through crowded city streets.

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