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  • Writer's pictureSandra Murphy

Our Phnom Penh Guide’s Hard Life & Marriage Culture

"My life has been so hard. I dont know when it will get better." He wept as he told us, and wept again at the Toul Sleng as he was the 7 year old boy on the picture who watched parents dragged away and sent to the fields to work. His family was poor. They weren't enough of a threat to be detained, beaten and murdered.

The guide goes on to explain marriage rules and his own experience as follows:

The boy pays to marry now $20k or more. Our guide could not afford this so he got a farmer bride who was even poorer for $8k. She only went to primary school and was left to go work in the factory. They had a boy in 2016. They wanted to work to get him to a good school so his life wouldnt be so hard. But Covid was tough. No work. His sister died of stomach cancer in 2022 because they couldnt pay for treatment. They had to pull boy from school and their hoping things get better. That life isnt so hard. His wife works as a tailor of wedding dresses. "She agreed to come live with my family. Typically the boy has to go live with the new wifes family."

For privacy I won't post a picture of which guide. Only some scenes from the road.

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