We arrived in Oslo last night after a beautiful ans scenic train ride series from Andalsnes through the mountains. You can see Scarlett's happy reflection in the train window. The beauty may have been somewhat lost on Scarlett and me as she struggled with some math work and my computer screen crashed.
Arriving in Oslo at 9pm local time we checked into the Hotel Christiania Teater, an old theater, which is a lovely venue for the next few days. A box of slip on Scarlett Chase mules was waiting for us. These are preproduction and missing their metal SC bit but simply delightful. Ill be test running them for a short while today.
While Ill be spending the day addressing my computer (its now I wish our corporate systems were apple), atleast we are in a city to do so. I want to compliment all of Scandinavia on making excellent Cappuccinos. Coffee is a bit strong and inconsistent here, unlike Italy/France where its wonderful to me, but Cappuccino is magic. My mini ipad will suffice for work for the moment, barely larger than the Cappuccino.