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  • Writer's pictureSandra Murphy

Mumbai, India

Updated: Jan 29, 2023

Or do you call it Bombay? The locals changed the name years ago, a politicalish move to reinforce its independence. Either name fits. The city is vibrant, engaging, loud and definitely deserves the famous Sinatra line typically applied to NYC, 'the city that doesnt sleep'! We loved the way it hugged the shore line, mixed palm trees with tall buildings, was wall to wall to wall vehicles--rickshaws, tuktuks, taxis, motorcycles, bicycles and bodies everywhere. But, as the movies show, what you'll remember most is the incessant honking. The honking is not as often a ticked off, impatient honk as it is a 'look out for me' with zero street lines and no lanes anywhere for anything-- its an absolute free for all. We had so many interesting adventures packed into a few short days I will be posting in chunks. Let's start with the big picture. Here is Mumbai.

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