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  • Writer's pictureSandra Murphy

Estonia is no longer in the USSR

Of course you all know that! Seriously, though, I figured that 'past' would have had more of an impact. Tallinn is just lovely. Sinilar to many european cities, Tallinn has an interesting 'old town' and lovely painted buildings that resemble Easter eggs. The old town building design has a flat stucco upper with striped/layered rows of stucco on the bottom in a horizontal fashion, similar to the 44 Tamarack Rd Weston facade, which Kelley finds interesting to compare. People here are 'cold like the weather' as one woman explained to me today. Of course, new englanders arent the friendliest either!

We have found the oppsite with friendly people everywhere we turn. The hotel has a pool which is a first for this trip. We found a great pizza spot (enough 'traditional' food earlier today and last night!) with a live singer who delivered some US classics which was awesome. One of my favorite shots aNd moments--Scarlett in hyaterics in the town square. We had heard Tallinn was quite cheao in comparison to pricey Slcandinaviia. Tallinn does have

cheaper housing, food and drinks (due to no tax as was the issue in Scandinavia) but very pricey flowers!

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