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  • Writer's pictureSandra Murphy

Arequipa, Peru

A quick flight from Lima found us in Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru next to Lima. Arequipa is famous for its beautiful Cathedral in the Plaza des Armas square, and the Santa Catalina Monestary. The buildings are white washed stone from local sources and the Cathedral exterior is stunning and particularly so at sunset as it towers above the main square. The monestary was also a highlight with its rust and blue painted walls and museum like set up of how the nuns lived here. There is an active volcano right next to the city and the area is overdue, statistcally speaking, for an earthquake. This caused some angst for me.

The Plaza serves as a city center fillled with protests and people, celebrations and parades from 6:45am when we heard a band playing to 11 at night when we were lulled to sleep by the sounds of happy citizens and visitors alike. Arequipa is a very safe place and it boasts stunning sunsets which we saw each evening from a plaza rooftop.

We tried Chifa here, which is well regarded Chinese Peruvian fusion due to an early history of Chinese settlers. It wasnt quite awesome but a nice break from lesser known fare. We also visited the Mercado and saw some strange food sites as its an open air, unrefrigerated space. This wa also the beginning of our altitude adjustment, which is quite a real thing here. We took preventative meds and I drank my share of coca tea.

I found the bunny cartoon at the chocolate factory particularly humorous.

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