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  • Writer's pictureSandra Murphy

Angkor Wat

We stayed in Siem Reap at Angkor Miracle.

We visited Angkor Wat first, the largest monument of the Angkor group built in the 12th century by King Suryavarman. It was originally built as a Hindu temple and finalized as a Buddhist temple. It is said to be the largest religuous monument in the world. What fascinated us most is:

  1. It was built without morter and is an amazing example of human ingenuity, the stone carried from quarries far away.

  2. The massive moat, that looks more like a lake, built around it.

  3. The way the light hits the buildings from inside and out.

  4. The incredible vistas from inside the Wat, looking out in all directions.

  5. The sultry air and jungle like greens that surround the beautiful natural carved and stacked stone.

  6. The internal center of the temple, said to be the center of the universe, with the four pillars representing elements.

  7. The female goddess who was the warrior defender carved throughout the complex.

  8. The images of the people carved into the walls sharing the task of making the temple.

On our list of must sees, Angkor Wat has an ethereal quality that simply cant be captured in pictures, but we tried! It was also 100 degrees and sticky hot; fortunately the temple is so large it has tons of shade.

After Angkor Wat, we went by Tuk-Tuk to see Angkor Thom including the Bayon with its giant stone faces, the Royal Enclosure, Phimeanakas, the Elephants Terrace and the Terrace of the Leper King. Angkor Wat will get a few posts because the images are so magical.

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