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Murphy World Trip


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Sahara Desert

We found the Sahara incredible as you move from the bustling madena of Marrakesh to the Atlas Mountains and can see the Algerian border...

The Nomad Life

We visited a nomad family in the desert. It was overwhelming to think of living there. Our guide was raised a nomad and really loved and...


More Marrakech....


We visited Morocco because we wanted something exotic and this definitely fit the bill. Of course Marrakech was where we started and...

Sahara Desert Glamping

A night in the desert is an experience. Especially when your tent is well appointed and the sky above is stunning. The vistas are...

Mezouga Middle Atlas

We stayed at some amazingly remote yet modern spots across the desert. This one popped up literally in the middle of no where, minutes...

Sahara Four Wheeling & ATVs

The desert of North Africa proved to be a magical place. The ATV riding and desert 'sledding' was wild! The Sahara is a desert spanning...

Barcelona, Spain

We hit Barcelona twice, once with the cruise gang and one with the 'ladies'. Barcelona is a vibrant city with Gaudi's whimsical and...


Our visit was brief but we loved the Gaudi architecture! Barcelona is such an amazing city for food and fun.


Our cruise stopped in Marseille permitting a far too short day trip to Avignon and Aux en Provence.

Genoa, Portofino

Our boat departed and returned from Genoa, whose more popular neighbor is Portofino.


This was a beautiful stip along our cruise path with architecture that feels as much middle eastern as it does european and a Blue Lagoon...

Sicily & Taormina

We visited a beautiful hilltop town called Taormina in Sicily. Despite the rain we would have loved more time to explore this...

Naples and Pompeii

No stop to Italy would be educationally complete without a visit to Pompeii. Our first cruise stop was Naples and Pompeii is a short 20...

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